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Award Ceremony - Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta 2023



Complesso Aldo Moro - University of Turin - Via Sant'Ottavio / via Verdi, Turin, Italy

Attend the award ceremony of the 19th edition of the competition for tomorrow's entrepreneurs to discover all the winning projects!

Cerimonia di premiazione Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta 2023

The 19th edition of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta, the competition for tomorrow's entrepreneurs, is drawing to a close: come and discover the year's most deserving new innovative projects at the awards ceremony on Thursday, November 9th, 2023 in Turin!

The ceremony will see the participation of 11 finalist projects, selected from over 150 business ideas submitted to the competition, competing for prizes and special mentions offered by the Partners and Promoters with the aim of supporting the birth of new innovative start-ups and promoting the economic development of the territory.

The most promising innovative projects compete for the overall prize money of more than €65,000, in cash and services, and the special mentions Equal Opportunities, Social Innovation, Open Innovation / Industrial Spin Off, Green & Blue, and Sustainable Technologies.

The top six projects will also participate in the PNI - Italian National Innovation Award 2023, to be held in Milan on November 30th and December 1st, and will challenge the winning projects of the other 15 regional Start Cups.

Register now on Eventbrite to reserve your place in attendance at the event, which will take place from 09:30 CET in the Auditorium of the Aldo Moro Complex of the University of Turin (via Sant'Ottavio cornering via Verdi, Turin), and meet the upcoming protagonists of the world of innovative entrepreneurship!


09:30 | Participant registration

10:00 | Opening institutional greetings

  • Stefano Geuna, Rector of the University of Turin

  • Fiorella Altruda, President of 2i3T, the Incubator of the University of Turin

  • Francesca Boccafoschi, Delegate for Start Up, innovative supply chains and technology transfer, University of Eastern Piedmont / Enne3 Incubator

  • Giuseppe Scellato, President of I3P, the Innovative Companies Incubator of Politecnico di Torino

  • Moderator: Giuseppe Serrao, Director of 2i3T, the Incubator of the University of Turin

10:30 | Elevator Pitch of the 11 finalist projects

11:30 | Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta 2023 award ceremony

  • Presentation of winning certificates by Supporters and Partners of the competition

13:00 | Concluding remarks

You can download the full programme of the event (in Italian language) by clicking on this link.

The finalist projects

  • AI-TWIN (Life Sciences)


  • FORMILE (Tourism and Cultural & Creative Industry)

  • IAMGREEN (Cleantech & Energy)

  • NABU (Cleantech & Energy)



  • RASGENIUS (Life Sciences)

  • SEAFORM (Cleantech & Energy)


  • UMMY (ICT)

Special guests

The Piedmont Regional Councillors Elena Chiorino, Councillor for Employment, Vocational Training and Right to University Studies, and Andrea Tronzano, Councillor for Economic and Financial Planning, Heritage, Development of Productive Activities and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, are invited to the ceremony.

The event, organized under the patronage of the University of Turin, sees the participation of the numerous institutions, foundations and sponsoring companies that have contributed to the realisation of the 2023 business plan competition are also expected to attend: Piedmont Region, Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta, Turin Chamber of Commerce, City of Turin, Turin Metropolitan City, Finpiemonte, Aosta Valley Chamber of Commerce, CTE Next, Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo Foundation, Jacobacci & Partners, LINKS Foundation, Laura & Franco Beltramo ETS Foundation, Michelin Development Foundation, Piedmont Aerospace Cluster, Unicredit, AIFI, Invitalia.

The Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta 2023 initiative is financed with FSE+ resources, promoted by the Piedmontese universities and managed by the relevant business incubators - I3P, 2i3T, Enne3 - as part of the PNI - Premio Nazionale per l'Innovazione, Italy's most important and widespread Business Plan Competition, which every year selects and awards the best innovative enterprise projects on a national level.

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