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The competition

Start Cup Piemonte Valle d’Aosta is an entrepreneurial projects competition that aims to stimulate entrepreneurship and economic growth. It is a competition that targets innovative business ideas expressed through a Business Plan.


The 2024 edition of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d’Aosta is organized as part of PNI, the Italian National Award for Innovation, promoted by PNICube, the Italian Association of Incubators and Business Plan Competitions.

The objectives

The purpose of the competition is to spread the culture of innovation and local development, with the following objectives:

To support the creation of new enterprises with a high degree of knowledge content

To raise awareness about entrepreneurship in young (but not limited to young) people

To offer to the participants the opportunity to compare themselves with other entreprenerus, companies and investors

Prizes in cash and service.
Participation is free!

Who it targets

The competition is open to anyone with an innovative business idea, regardless of its development stage.

Participation is open for both individuals and groups with a business project, as well as entrepreneurs with a newly established company.

Those who are not eligible for the competition are:

  • projects that participated in previous editions of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta and were among the 10 finalists and/or winners of a special prize;

  • projects that participate, during the same year, in other regional Start Cups that are part of PNI (Italian National Award for Innovation).

icona imprenditori

Aspiring entrepreneurs, either individually or as a team, who are over 18 years old.

icona imprenditori

University students and members of Universities and Research Centers (students, graduates, PhD students, research fellows, professors), either individually or in teams.

icona imprenditori

Owners of companies whose date of incorporation is after October 1, 2023, or from January to September 2023 but with a declaration of commencement of business (as per the date of commencement of operations specified in the Italian Chamber of Commerce certificate) on or after October 1, 2023.

Business ideas and projects must fall into one of the following competing categories:
Life Sciences
Cleantech & Energy
Tourism and Cultural & Creative Industry

How to participate

Applications to the 2024 edition of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta can be sent only through this website.

Find out how the contest works and how to apply!

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How it works

To discover how the competition works, the admission criteria and the prizes, please refer to the official rules of the competition.

Download the official rules