Privacy Policy

[Version dated May 2024]

Pursuant to and for the purposes of European Regulation no. 2016/679 and Legislative Decree 181/2018 (hereinafter "the Rule"), there follows information about the processing of data regarding the management of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta (Piedmont and Aosta Valley, Italy).

1) Data Controller

The Data Controller is, alternatively:

  • I3P - Innovative Companies Incubator of Politecnico di Torino (Polytechnic University of Turin);

  • 2i3T - Incubator of the University of Turin.

Further indications and references relating to the Data Processor and Data Protection Officer (DPO) of each individual entity can be found on the individual institutional websites.

2) Data

“Data" means any information that the individual participant in the Competition communicates to the incubators indicated in point 1).

3) Purposes of processing

Data will be processed for the management of the Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta (Piedmont and Aosta Valley).

4) Legal basis of the processing

The processing of the Data for the purposes indicated in point 3) above is based on the consent you have given.

5) Processing Modalities

Within the scope of the purpose indicated at point 3) above, the processing of the Data will take place in paper form (in writing) and by means of electronic instruments, in compliance with the provisions of the law on data processing, adopting the appropriate security measures.

The treatment of the Data will be managed by specifically trained and instructed personnel, in order to guarantee the appropriate security and confidentiality, as well as to avoid any risk of loss and/or destruction and access by unauthorized subjects.

6) Communication and dissemination of Data

Within the limits strictly pertinent to the purpose indicated in point 3) above, the Data may be communicated to subjects within the single selected Incubator which has been specifically authorized and trained in the processing of personal data, and which carry out activities linked and instrumental to the management of the Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta (e.g. administrative and organizational staff, etc.). The Data may also be communicated to the Promoters of Special Prizes so that they can process them to enable participation in the prizes.

Data relating to candidates competing for the Valle d'Aosta Special Prize will be transmitted to the Valle d'Aosta Region, which may also use it for information on initiatives and incentives promoted by the Regional Administration.

Data may also be communicated to the Associazione Italiana degli Incubatori Universitari e delle Business Plan Competition Locali (Italian Association of University Incubators and Local Business Plan Competitions), better known as the abbreviation PNIcube.

Should it be necessary, for activities related to the management and maintenance of computer systems and the website, the Data may be processed by subjects specifically appointed by the Data Controller as Data Processors. Cookies may be used (short pieces of information that can be saved on the user's computer when the browser calls up a particular website. By means of these cookies the server sends information that will be read and updated every time the user returns to the site) but only of a technical nature, not third party or profiling.

7) Data retention period

The Data will be kept for 3 years since the date of its collection, without preventing the possibility of revoking consent as per point 8) below. Information related to the Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta ranking list will be kept indefinitely.

8) Rights of the Data subject

With reference to the Data, you are entitled to request from the selected incubator:

  • access, in the cases provided for by the law;

  • the rectification of inaccurate Data and the integration of incomplete Data

  • the cancellation of the Data for the reasons generally provided for, such as when they are no longer necessary with respect to the above-mentioned purposes or are not processed in compliance with the law;

  • the limitation of the treatment for the cases foreseen, as in the case in which the accuracy of the Data is contested and it is necessary to verify the correctness;

  • opposition to the treatment, in the cases provided for.

In relation to the purpose referred to in paragraph 3) above, there is also the right to revoke one’s consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the treatment given before the revocation.

All the rights listed above may be exercised by contacting the Data Controller of the selected incubator by registered letter or PEC.

9) Complaints

In the event that the processing of data is thought to violate the provisions contained in the regulations, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.

10) Nature of Data provision

The provision of the Data requested as per these Regulations is a necessary requirement in order to manage the Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta.

Failure to provide even a part of the Data entails the objective impossibility to proceed in that sense.

11) Transfer of Data

The Data is stored at the Company's registered office and on servers located in the European Union. The Data may also be uploaded on a sharing platform called "Dropbox", a file hosting service managed by the American company Dropbox Inc.