XVI Edition - 2020


Business Ideas


Business Plans
1st place - 10,000 euro

U-Care Medical

2nd place - 7,500 euro

Alba Robot

3rd place - 5,000 euro

DDC Drug

The three winners will take part in the National Innovation Award, the "Champions' Cup" of university-related business projects, which will see the winners of the 17 local competitions of the more than 40 PNICube member universities competing for the national prize. The National Innovation Award will be held in Bologna on 30 November and 4 December 2020.

In addition, the following projects, ranked 4th ex aequo at the Start Cup 2020, acquire the opportunity to take part in the national final:

Special Prizes

Cuneo Prize

sponsored by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo

Clab Torino Prize

One year of pre-incubation at I3P or 2i3T incubators sponsored by Turin Contamination Lab

Covid-19 Prize

of €5.000 sponsored by Piedmont Region

Valle d’Aosta Prize

of €7.500 sponsored by Autonomous Region Valle d'Aosta.

Metroconsult Prize

of an indicative value of €6,000 for the best Business Plan with intellectual property features, in the form of consultancy services on the protection of trademarks, patents, design, copyright, offered by Metroconsult Srl

Special Mentions

Equal Opportunities

Social Innovation

Open Innovation/ Industrial Spin Off: