
Where your idea becomes
Start Up

What is Start Cup?

Start Cup Piemonte Valle d’Aosta is an entrepreneurial projects competition that aims to stimulate entrepreneurship and economic growth. It is a competition that targets innovative business ideas expressed through a Business Plan.

How to apply

You can join the contest's future editions only through this website.

All applications to join the new editions of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta must be submitted through the dedicated form on this website.

The 2024 edition of the contest is held in two stages:

Stage 1

"Ideas Competition": from June 4 to June 28, 2024

Stage 2

"Business Plan Competition": from June 29 to July 29, 2024

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How it works

Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta is open to everyone who has a project for an innovative startup, regardless of the development stage, and based on an original idea of an individual or a group.

To discover how the competition works, the admission criteria and the prizes, please refer to the official rules of the competition.

Download the official rules

Are you ready to innovate?

The best business ideas submitted for Stage 1 of the competition can receive free support and consultancy activities, aimed at supporting the entrepreneurial team in developing the Business Plan, with which to compete for Stage 2 of the competition and its prize pool in money and services.

Submit your idea!
Promoted by
Organized by
As part of
Under the patronage of
XX Edition - Year 2024 - Initiative financed with FSE+ resources