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Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta 2018: the 14th edition of the competition for the best business ideas is underway

Applications are now open for the 14th edition of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta, the competition launched as part of the PNI and dedicated to projects, ideas and companies that want to find their space in the world of entrepreneurship.

The fourteenth edition of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta, the competition for projects, ideas and companies that want to find space in the world of entrepreneurship, is ready to start! The contest is organized by the regional university incubators I3P of the Polytechnic of Turin, 2i3T of the University of Turin, Enne3 of the University of Eastern Piedmont and Pépinière of Aosta within the PNI - National Award for Innovation, promoted by PNICube, the Italian Association of University Incubators and Business Plan Competition.

The initiative

The aim of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta is to encourage and support the birth of innovative startups with a high knowledge content, in order to promote the economic development of the Piedmont and Aosta Valley territory. The competition, with free participation, is divided into two operational phases, in which one can take part by presenting a business idea with a business plan.

All aspiring entrepreneurs of age can participate, individually or in groups, including university students and research centers (university students, graduates, PhD students or PhD students, research fellows, professors) as well as owners of companies just started. To be admitted to the competition are business projects characterized by high knowledge content, regardless of their stage of development, which refer to the categories of competition Life Sciences, ICT, Cleantech & Energy, Agrifood and Industrial.

Moreover, on the occasion of the opening of Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta, on July 17 there will be an Open Day at the I3P Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino, to offer information on the competition to those who, despite having a business idea, need support for the launch of their innovative startup. I3P's tutors and business analysts will be available to participants to fine-tune their business idea to present at the regional competition. Participation and consulting are free of charge. For information and registration, visit

The Competition of Ideas

The first phase is the Competition of Ideas, which rewards the best business ideas in services - such as support and consulting activities and training initiatives - aimed at drawing up the business plan. Projects can be submitted by July 31 through the website

The Business Plan Competition

To participate in the second phase of the competition, the Business Plan Competition, it is instead necessary to submit a Business Plan describing the entrepreneurial project no later than September 18. The best startup projects, which will be decreed by October 31, 2018, will receive cash prizes and special mentions, awarded with the support of a Jury composed of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and business angels. The total prize money for the Business Plan Competition of Start Cup Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta 2018 amounts to 22,500 euros to date. The first place winner will receive a prize of 7,500 euros, the second of 5,000, and the third of 2,500. In addition, the top six overall winners will have the opportunity to participate in the 2018 PNI, National Award for Innovation.

The Valle d'Aosta Prize of 7,500 euros is expected, offered by the Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta to the best business plan that sets up the company in the Pépinière d'Entreprises of Aosta or Pont Saint Martin. Also confirmed were the two special mentions for the best "Equal Opportunities" project, aimed at promoting the principle of equal opportunities and female entrepreneurship, and the best "Social Innovation" project.

Finally, the first six overall winners will participate in the PNI - National Award for Innovation, the "cup of champions" among the winning business projects of the 17 regional Start Cups that for the 2018 edition will take place in Verona from November 29 to 30. Last year, the PNI featured 65 finalist projects selected from the 531 submitted to the regional competitions.

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